What is CrossFit?
Constantly varied functional movements performed at high intensity.
Constantly Varied
The Workout of the Day (WOD) will have a different stimulus each day that is strategically programmed to be varied, but not random. This style of programming allows for growth without boredom but also the potential to repeat some workouts (benchmark WODs) on occasion to measure progress.
Functional Movements
Through CrossFit, we train for life. This means performing movements that you use in your everyday life, no matter your abilities or fitness level. Do you pick things up off the floor? We train to do that safely. Do you lower and raise your body to a seating or lying position? We train to do that safely. Do you lift things overhead to put them on a shelf? We train to do that safely. Do you move loads across distances (like your shopping bags into the house)? We train to do that safely.
High Intensity
Adding intensity to the constantly varied functional movements that we perform in CrossFit is an effective way to help you train for life and for your own personal goals, whether that is living a long, healthy and independent life, looking better, feeling better or improving in your sport.